At long last I was able to finish the single player custom game I started back in 2009. M.A.X. Port is not yet stable, but when the original M.A.X. repeatedly crashes with stack overflows or heap memory allocation issues M.A.X. Port can already help. So with a combination of M.A.X. Port and the original game I not only fought the enemies, but also the game breaking defects turn after turn. Finally after 322 turns all three enemies were eradicated from the map and the game ended with my glorious victory.

Our clan’s victory on the planet was so devastating that the shallow waters of the barren desert world we call Flash Point are polluted beyond recovery, the landscape is a massive scrapyard bleeding toxic chemicals that will not sustain any living organization ever again, and the rich deposits of minerals under the surface are mostly depleted. As victors our clan is obliged to pay tribute to our omnipotent Concord masters for the riches we were bestowed. We are destined to aimlessly toil away on this desolate wasteland for generations to come. But at the end… we are still standing, while our enemies lie dead.

Strange… if blue team built 498 units, how could they lost 698… maybe yet another game defect? 17.173 processed gold means 53 raw gold mined per turn in average.
Victory screen statistics

Behold my killer tech! Too bad that on my next mission as a M.A.X. Commander my clan will forget all of these technological marvels my busy engineers researched…